Clarity and Wisdom is a dream God placed in my heart several years ago. It started with a desire to write motivational messages grounded in biblical truth and has progressed into a passion business - to come alongside people and help them transform their lives through the love, healing and leading of Jesus Christ.
Our core service is clarity coaching and providing life changing resources.
It's always personal with us. We believe God is always at work and when you align with Him, your life dramatically improves. We love helping people do their work so they can ascend to their next level.
Clarity and Wisdom is a work in progress because we are led by the Holy Spirit. We pray, listen, create, guide, support, and challenge - all in love for you, as a precious child of the most High God.

We help you break up with
your burdens
and break through
to the best you!
How I Help You
Out of your greatest pain comes your greatest testimony. The big events in life are the ones that get the most attention because they can be urgent, shocking and life-changing. But the day-to-day challenges are just as important because they can weigh you down and make it hard to see our options.
I Focus in 3 Key Areas:
You (knowing who you are and living your purpose)
Your Relationships (improving the quality of your relationships will improve the quality of your life)
Your Career (excelling in your career without excluding your life)
Our Clients Say...
“I was pretty down on myself. I’ve struggled with self-esteem all my life. Terri shared her journey and helped me push beyond what typically holds me back and to stretch myself. I realize I don't need anyone to validate me. I am who I am, and that’s a good thing. I'm getting to know me!” KW
"We went deeper than I thought we would. It was a little scary but worth it. I see how I’ve been sabotaging myself at work, and now I know how to stop. Coaching was a great decision for me.” KA
"I was very unhappy in my marriage. I had lost hope and was just exisiting. I found Terri through a friend and I can say after working with her, my marriage is better, not where I want it to be, but it's better. I think it's because I'm better.” KH

Do You Want Better Relationships?
Your Relationships
God designed us to be in relationship with each other. Sounds great, but relationships are hard work, and they're complicated. When your relationships are off track, so are you. Do you have the relationship mindset, skills, and tools to keep your relationships on track?